
Brammer, Markus, Hildegard Schäffler und Max Vögler (2009). Multinationale Lizenzierung im Rahmen von Knowledge Exchange.  Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und  Bibliographie (ZfBB). Nr. 6, 339-346
Mugabushaka, Alexis-Michel and Max Vögler (2008). Shared Responsibilities in Sharing Research Data: Policies and Partnerships. Report of an ESF–DFG workshop, 21 September 2007. Strasbourg.
Mossink, Wilma and Max Vögler (2008). Knowledge Exchange Multinational Licensing Tender: an evaluation.
Serials. Vol. 21, Nr. 1, 19-24.
Voegler, Max (2007). “Knowledge Exchange and Its View on Open Access”. In  Berlin 5 Open Access : From practice to impact: Consequences of Knowledge dissemination, Padova (Italy), 19-21 September 2007.

Vögler, Max (2007). “Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und deutsche Initiativen zur Langzeitarchivierung für die Wissenschaft”. In Geschichte im Netz: Praxis, Chancen, Visionen. Teilband 1. Berlin.

Vögler, Max (2005). “Virtual libraries and thematic gateways in German history: Strategies and perspectives”. Humanities, Computers and Cultural Heritage (2005). – 267 AHC Proceedings 2005.


Religion, Liberalism and the Social Question in the Habsburg Hinterland: The Catholic Church in Upper Austria, 1850-1914PhD Dissertation (Columbia University, 2006) 
[Columbia University Academic Commons]

“Illness and Death in the Era of Neoabsolutism: New Perspectives on Liberal-Catholic Conflict from 1850s Upper Austria” Austrian History Yearbook Vol. 37 (2007)

chapters in edited volumes:
“Different Paths, Similar ‘Nations’? Ultramontanization and the Old Catholic Movement in Upper Austria, 1870/71,” in: Laurence Cole (Ed.), Different Paths to the Nation: National Identity and State-building in Germany, Italy and the Habsburg Monarchy c. 1830-1870, (New York: Palgrave, 2007). 

“Politik”, in: Michael Pammer (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte, Bd. 5. 1750-1880, (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2007).

Major, Patrick. The Death of the KPD: Communism and Anti-Communism in West Germany, 1945-1956, Oxford 1997, for Maryland Historian (2000).

Bruce, Steve. Choice and Religion: A Critique of Rational Choice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, for the H-Net List H-Catholic (2001). 
link to review]

Clark, Christopher, and Wolfram Kaiser, eds. Culture Wars: Secular-Catholic Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Cambridge, 2003, for European History Quarterly (2005).
link to review]

Jenkins, Jennifer. Provincial Modernity: Local Culture and Liberal Politics in Fin-De-Siècle Hamburg. Ithaca, 2003, for H-Soz-u-Kult (2005). 
link to review]

Gross, Michael. The War Against Catholicism: Liberalism and the anti-Catholic Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Germany. Ann Arbor, 2004; and Róisín Healy. The Jesuit Specter in Imperial Germany. Boston, 2003, for the H-Net List H-German (2005).
link to review]

Margaret Stieg Dalton. Catholicism, Popular Culture, and the Arts in Germany, 1880-1933. Notre Dame, 2005, for the H-Net List H-German (2007).
link to review]